Here some of my favourite products, really can't live without...
Urban Decacy naked palette: not so chep but hight quality eyeshadows: rich colors, a lot of conbinations possible, all in a single bag... recommend it!
Mac foundation for face and body: natural but nice coverage.
For more natural results try this cheap (but really works) product: Olaz mosturing fluid with a touch of Maxfactor foundation, is what I wear every single day!
Real argan oil for hair: I tried famous Moroccan Oil and it is great but so expensive. I found this in Istanbul: natural, parfum free and perfect if you have long, curly, dry hair!
Orly nailpolish: my favourite color at the moment for hands or feets... reminds me summer; Maybelline waterproof mascara
Lash extensions: if you try them you will not live without!

Pasty eyeliner, Clarins primar, Clarins eyeshadows remover: great and really gentle.
As you can see I love eye makeup, no lips makeup for me: I really fell naked without smoky eyes but for my lips a balm is enough!
See you soon with a real outfit post, I hope. I'm having a lot of family problems, not a great period of life for me.
Take care, love you all!